Habit Heroes 🙌
Learnings, teachings, tips & tricks from your Accountability Partners and Habit Coaches at Shelpful
78 habits to get more daily movement
When we think about exercise, we have the tendency to go big on goals: “one hour of exercise every day!” We encourage you to start SUPER small and find ways to add movement in throughout the day by making it into an automatic habit.
What Are Tiny Habits?
Here at Shelpful we talk A LOT about Tiny Habits because they really do work! Building healthy habits, and making intentional changes in your life can feel extremely overwhelming when looking at them as a whole. Taking a new habit you want to achieve and shrinking it down to make it less intimidating can make building new habits that much easier. Read to learn how to build good habits and increase your productivity!
Tiny Habits to Add to Your Self-Care Routine
Let’s be real, our lives are BUSY and it's far too easy to move our self-care practices to the back burner. While ignoring your self-care may temporarily help your stress levels by taking something off your plate, it can hurt you significantly in the long run. Self-care doesn’t have to be going to an expensive spa or an hour-long yoga class. Sometimes, it's the smallest moments of self-care that add up to a real difference. Let’s break this down – we need to think of THINGS to do for those little moments of self-care, and then we need to design a plan to actually make them happen.
16 Tiny Habits to Reduce Stress
Let’s be real…life is CRAZY! It seems to only be getting crazier. With school, work, friends, and family, we are basically guaranteed to be in a constant state of stress. And we are supposed to find time to relax too? While we cannot always control the stressful parts of our lives, we can control our response to them!
How to Use Timers to Increase Productivity
As an entrepreneur-mom with ADHD, timers have become a CRUCIAL tool for maintaining my productivity. Timers make tasks much less daunting by breaking them down into smaller intervals. Whenever I find myself feeling overwhelmed or tempted to quit, I set a timer to help me reengage and find the motivation to finish or restart my tasks.
19 Tiny Habits to Transform Your Evening Routine
We are currently in the unique age of TikTok and Instagram posts where millions around the world show strangers their routines, particularly that of “a productive morning routine.” While these videos are great and can be very helpful, it’s easy to forget one crucial piece: what happens the evening before? Let’s talk about what you do during your 5-9 after you
21 Tiny Habits for Students
Students are busy. It can be hard to find a good balance between school, work, and social life. But, with the right habit methods in place, you can feel much more in control.
17 Tiny Habits to Tackle Your To-Dos
Do you crave the gratification of crossing things off your to-do list? Let’s face it, seeing a long list of check marks in your planner after a long day is pretty satisfying. But, maintaining productivity and checking boxes off your to-do list is often much easier said than done.
23 Tiny Habits to Drink More Water
Water. The clear, flavorless liquid that our body depends on. We use it every day for, washing dishes, showering and watering plants, and it also surrounds us in natural forms like rain, rivers, and the koi pond in your backyard. If water is so crucial for our bodies and the earth we live on, why are so many people going about their days dehydrated?
17 tiny habits to wake up earlier
Let’s not sugarcoat it, waking up is HARD! Getting out of a warm bed to begin a stressful day is probably the last thing anyone wants to do. Our society is catered toward the early bird schedule, with work and school both typically starting earlier in the morning. For those who crave the quiet of the night and snooze their alarms countless times in the morning, getting enough sleep is a daily challenge. Being intentional about sleep and schedules can make a world of difference. Here are some habit ideas to help you get up earlier.
21 habits to get more daily movement
When we think about exercise, we have the tendency to go big on goals: “one hour of exercise every day!” We encourage you to start SUPER small and find ways to add movement in throughout the day by making it into an automatic habit.
24 Tiny Habits for Tidying Up As You Go
When you start with a SUPER small habit, it’ll feel a lot less overwhelming. Especially when it comes to Tidying. Once you lock in your first tidying habit, you can add another.
Quick Links to the Best Free Yoga and Meditation Videos
We like to make it easy — quick links for a quick path to relaxation
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