23 Tiny Habits to Drink More Water

How to Drink More Water Every Day, In Super Small Ways 

Water. The clear, flavorless liquid that our body depends on. We use it every day for, washing dishes, showering and watering plants, and it also surrounds us in natural forms like rain, rivers, and the koi pond in your backyard. If water is so crucial for our bodies and the earth we live on, why are so many people going about their days dehydrated?

Life is hard, and we are friggin BUSY. Sometimes the day can just sweep you up, and before you know it… it’s 2 pm and you’ve had nothing to drink. And intentionally working on drinking water can feel like a chore. Sometimes when you get the option, water may not sound that tempting or delicious – it's plain, we get it! It’s tempting to choose a sugary flavored drink to quench your thirst instead of water, and it's okay to drink that sugary drink (in moderation) but go ahead and grab that water too. You have two hands to hold them both, after all. 

Benefits of drinking water

Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water which is found in every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. To say water is important to the functioning of the human body is an understatement. Beyond just a healthy body, water can give you increased energy, improve skin complexion, flush out toxins, and promote weight loss by reducing hunger and raising your metabolism. 

How to tell if you are not drinking enough water

There are a multitude of symptoms to indicate whether or not you are dehydrated. to indicate whether or not you are dehydrated. The easiest way to tell is by looking at the color of your urine (gross we know). If you see clear or pale yellow then you're in the clear! If the urine is a darker yellow color … go grab some water. 

Feeling fatigued or tired for no apparent reason is another indicator that you are dehydrated. In addition, frequent headaches throughout the day can be a sign to drink more water. Craving sugar isn’t always just a result of having a sweet tooth. Dehydration makes it difficult for your body to metabolize glycogen for energy, and thus, your body craves sugar as a quick boost of energy. Next time try a glass of water before grabbing a cookie. 

If you are still questioning whether or not to drink water, you probably should.

How to drink more water?

Try not to get overwhelmed by the daunting task of hydration. You don’t need to quickly shift from drinking a couple of glasses of water a day to a gallon. Start incorporating water into your routine in the tiniest ways possible. At Shelpful, we like to use the Tiny Habits method when starting new habits. Dr. BJ Fogg, a world-renowned habit coach, and brain behind tiny habits explains that habits should be made as tiny and simple as possible and anchored to an already existing trigger throughout your day.

Anchor (existing habit) + Tiny Habit (a miniature version of your new habit)

This ends up looking like this: “After I ___, I will ____.” By using this habit-building method, your habit will hopefully feel so easy that it will quickly become second nature. Using Dr. BJ Fogg's tiny habit method, we created 23 examples of tiny habits to drink more water. 

Here are 23 tiny habits to drink more water

  1. After I turn my alarm off, I will pick up my water glass from the nightstand.  

  2. After I turn on the coffee maker, I will fill up a glass of water.

  3. After I walk into the kitchen in the morning, I will get a glass or water bottle out of the cabinet (Drinking water 30 minutes before a meal can aid digestion)

  4. After I scoot in my chair at my desk, I will have a sip of water.

  5. After I open the fridge for lunch, I will eat one piece of cucumber (Many fruits and vegetables like melon, lettuce cucumbers, and celery, have a high water content).

  6. After I bring my plate to the sink, I will fill up a big water bottle (go into the day with a giant water bottle!) 

  7. Each time I finish a step in my makeup, I will take a sip of water.

  8. After I grab a soda, I will also fill a glass of water.

  9. After I pick at my skin (or another anxiety habit), I will take a sip of water.

  10. After I put on my shoes to run errands, I will fill up a bottle of water (and bring it with me).

  11. After I click my seatbelt, I will take a sip of water.

  12. After I set my keys down, I will fill a glass of water.

  13. After I turn on the TV, I will walk into the kitchen (to get some water).

  14. After I put down my toothbrush, I will fill a glass of water next to the sink.

  15. After a Server brings me water (at a restaurant), I will take a big, long drink of the water.

  16. When I order a drink at a restaurant, I will also ask for a glass of water (getting another drink is okay too, as long as you also drink water)

  17. When I reach for a soda, I will make lemon water. (use sparkling water with lemons, strawberries, and other fresh fruit and veggies)

  18. After I hit my afternoon slump and have the urge to make another coffee, I will make a cup of tea instead.

  19. After pressing start on the dishwasher at night, I will make a cup of hot water (hot water can relax you before bed, try adding lemon or honey for taste).

  20. After I finish my water bottle, I will walk to the kitchen (and fill it up).

  21. After I take my medication or vitamins, I will finish the whole glass of water.

  22. After I unpack my lunch from the day, I will fill up a bottle of water and leave it in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch.

  23. After I put down my yoga mat, I will put a water bottle next to me.

Here are some of the best water bottles for a water-drinking habit (according to this author!):

It’s important to not be too hard on yourself if you slip up when forming new habits. Any small change, or simply just mindfulness is HUGE and can snowball into much bigger things! If you are looking to further your habit-building skills we recommend doing our free course which covers the foundational habit-building best practices.

Having an accountability system, especially when at the beginning of your healthy-habit journey can make a world of difference. Check out our AI Habit Helper - HabitGPT with a free 1 week trial, and you can optionally add a human to your chat.

Let us know how you incorporate these habits into your routine! Message or tag us on Instagram / Tik Tok.


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