You sign up, we set you up with your Shelper and they start texting you & helping you out.

It’s pretty much as simple as that.


Here for You


01 — We text you to see what your plan is for the day

You can work through anything on the schedule that day that might trip you up

02 — Navigating Sabotaging Thoughts

Shelpful checks in with you to see what’s brewing in your brain — what are you telling yourself that might mess with you? We can be the ones to remind you of why these thoughts aren’t helpful.

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Behind every action is a thought. Even a tiny thought that supports that decision.

If you can come up with a helpful response to that sabotaging thought (and remind yourself of these every day), you have a better chance of staying on plan.

03 — Forgive yourself and keep going

If you were driving on the freeway and missed your exit…. Would you keep on driving? Or would you take the next exit, turn around and keep going to your destination? If you don’t stick to your plan for a while, it’s FINE! We’ll help remind you to forgive yourself and keep going.

Copy of Any chance you're having this sabotaging thought_ _If I can't exercise for 30 minutes, it's not worth exercising at all._ __ (1).png

We will call you out (kindly), and hold you accountable.

The accountability buddy you’ve always wanted, just a message away.

More questions?

Start changing the way you think today, with a little help.