Tiny Habits to Get Outside More

Little changes to your routine to get you enjoying the beautiful weather outside and improving your mood!

With the temperature outside getting warmer, we are finally able to enjoy eating at outside tables and taking evening walks. Even if you have been long awaiting for the sun, it can be hard leaving winter habits behind! Each year we slowly shift all our activities inside when the colder months approach, but then we are still stuck inside out of habit. It’s time to break out of those inside habits and make a habit of getting outside!

You can make so many little changes to ensure you are spending quality time with good ol’ mother nature. Try and shift some of your normal indoor activities outside during the warmer weather — just set those intentions and feel all the benefits of being outside!

What are the benefits of being outside?

There are endless benefits to spending more time outside beside it being just purely enjoyable! During the pandemic, we go so used to working from home, learning from home, and doing pretty much everything from home. Take time to reflect and ask yourself “how can I get outside every day?” There are so many more ways to get outside than you would think. We have been inside ENOUGH, let’s make this year about doing everything we can…OUTSIDE! 

1. Exposure to sunlight: Spending time outside exposes you to natural sunlight, which is an important source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for bone health, and immune function, and can help prevent certain diseases.

2. Improved mental health: Being outside can have a positive impact on your mental health, reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being.

3. Increased physical activity: Being outside often involves physical activity, such as walking, hiking, or playing sports. This can help improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and increase overall fitness.

4. Connection with nature: Spending time outside can help you connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. This can be a calming and grounding experience, helping to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

5. Social connection: Spending time outside can be a social activity, whether it's going for a walk with a friend, joining a sports team, or attending a community event. Social connection is important for overall health and well-being.

If you are feeling stuck in areas of your own life, consider how getting outside more could help! From my experience, I’ve found that when I feel particularly anxious or stressed, taking even just a 15-minute walk makes a world of difference and almost resets my brain!

What are Tiny Habits?

The best way to form a new habit is to work it into your already existing routine. Best way to work it into your routine? Start TINY!! Take the habits you want to establish and shrink them down to a habit so small and easy it makes it almost impossible NOT to do. 

Tiny Habits is a behavior change method developed by BJ Fogg, a behavioral scientist at Stanford University. The method focuses on making small, sustainable changes in behavior that can lead to significant improvements over time. The key principles of Tiny Habits are:

1. Start small: Rather than trying to make big changes all at once, start with tiny habits that are easy to do and require minimal effort.

2. Anchor the habit: Tie the new habit to an existing behavior or routine so that it becomes a natural part of your day.

3. Celebrate success: Celebrate each time you successfully complete the new habit to reinforce the behavior and create a positive feedback loop.

We like to use this habit equation when first forming our tiny habits:

Anchor (existing habit) + Tiny Habit (a miniature version of your new habits)

15 Tiny habits to spend more time outside

  1. After I press start on the coffee maker, I will open a window for fresh air (bring the outside in).

  2. After I pour my coffee, I will enjoy it on my outside patio. 

  3. After I tie my running shoes, I will go on a run outside (instead of going to an indoor gym).

  4. After I lock my front door, I will walk instead of driving to my destination.

  5. After I arrive at the parking lot, I will park farther away and walk to my destination.

  6. After I finish a meeting, I will set a timer for 20 minutes and move my work outside.

  7. After I leave work/class, I will take the longer scenic route home. 

  8. After finishing lunch, I will fill up a watering can and water at least one plant outside. 

  9. After I accept a call from a family member, I will walk around the block while talking. 

  10. After I open the backdoor to take my dog outside, I will spend time outside playing with my dog.

  11.  After I schedule dinner with a friend, I will call the restaurant and get a reservation on the outdoor patio. 

  12. After I close my office door and leave for lunch, I will grab my lunch and eat it outside instead of in the staff room. 

  13. After I start my dishwasher, I will set a timer for 10 minutes and read my book outside. 

  14. After I hit play on my podcast, I will step outside and practice a few minutes of deep breathing. 

  15. After I plan my schedule for the week, I will call a friend and schedule an outdoor activity we can do in our free time that week. 

What to do outside:

Need some ideas of things to do outside? Well, we got plenty of them! Check out this list we crafted of our favorite ways to get outside. 

  • Take a walk or hike: Walking or hiking is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. You can take a stroll around your neighborhood or explore nearby parks and trails.

  • Bike ride: Cycling is another great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise. You can bike to work or school, or take a leisurely ride on a scenic route.

  • Gardening: Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding way to spend time outside. You can plant flowers, vegetables, or herbs and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  • Outside games: There are many outdoor sports and activities you can enjoy, such as soccer, basketball, tennis, frisbee, or cornhole.

  • Picnics: You can enjoy a picnic with friends or family in a nearby park or open space. Bring some snacks, drinks, and a blanket and enjoy the beautiful weather.

  • Yoga or meditation: Practicing yoga or meditation outside can be a peaceful and rejuvenating experience. Find a quiet spot in nature and practice some calming poses or meditation techniques.

  • Outdoor events: Check out local events happening in your area such as farmers' markets, outdoor concerts, or festivals.

Remember to wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen when spending time outside, and stay hydrated!

Whether it be moving your daily workout outside or enjoying dinner on your outside deck, there is no wrong or right way to work being outside into your existing routine. Getting outside in any way you can no matter how small can make a lasting impact on your mental and physical health! 

Remember, when building habits don’t kick yourself if it takes trial and error, figuring out habit-building methods that work for you can take time but will be so worth it in the end. If you need a little extra help forming these habits don’t be ashamed, sometimes we need a little extra push to achieve our goals. Checkout out habit-coaching options to make the transition to new habits so much easier. Having someone to help encourage forming healthy habits can make the transition much smoother — like an accountability buddy for waking up earlier. The real-human buddies at Shelpful help their members with sticking to their daily goals with reminders and celebrating even the smallest wins! If you find yourself wanting to know more about habits and how to build them we highly recommend reading Tiny Habits to learn the science behind building habits.

Now let’s get outside and build some healthy outdoor habits!

Let us know how you incorporate these habits into your routine! Message or tag us on Instagram / Tik Tok.


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