71 Anchor Ideas to Trigger Your New Habit

Hey there! Welcome back to our cozy spot on the web. Today, we're diving into something super interesting: the Tiny Habits method by Dr. BJ Fogg. If you're not familiar, it's all about making big changes through tiny steps. The core idea? Hook new, small habits onto things you already do every day. It's kind of like adding a dash of new flavor to your daily routine. The Tiny Habits recipe is simple: After I [existing behavior], I will [new tiny behavior].

Easy, right? Whether you're looking to amp up your mornings, get a midday lift, or wind down your evenings in a productive way, we've got a bunch of everyday actions you can use as launchpads for those new habits. This isn't about overhauling your life overnight; it's about tweaking it in tiny, manageable ways that add up. Let's dive in and explore how you can seamlessly weave new, beneficial habits into the fabric of your day.

You can rehearse that habit, and you can build support systems around it if you benefit from reminders and check ins. At Shelpful, weโ€™re all about reminding people and checking if they did their teeeeeny version of a habit after an existing behavior. You can build Tiny Habits right into your work with our A.I. or human service. (Free trials of both btw at shelpful.com)

Habit Trigger Inspiration List

Your Job is think of something you WANT to do, then look at this list to consider if you could perhaps layer that new habit onto one of these.

๐ŸŒ… Morning

  1. Sit up in bed

  2. Turn off my alarm

  3. Turn off airplane mode

  4. Pee

  5. Flush the toilet

  6. Dry my hands

  7. Turn on the shower

  8. Dry my body

  9. Hang up my towel

  10. Wipe out the sink

  11. Wash my face

  12. Shave my face

  13. Brush my hair

  14. Weigh myself

  15. Make the bed

  16. Put lotion on

  17. Tie my shoes

  18. Put in my contacts

  19. Put on my glasses

  20. Put on my watch

  21. Put on activity tracker

  22. Pour myself a cup of coffee

  23. Put the tea kettle on to boil

  24. Turn the coffee maker on

  25. Put my cup in the dishwasher or sink

๐Ÿ˜Ž Midday or Anytime

  1. Hear my phone ring

  2. Hang up the phone

  3. Wash my hands

  4. Drink a cup of coffee

  5. Drink a cup of tea

  6. Empty my inbox

  7. Park the car

  8. Turn on my computer

  9. Turn off my computer

  10. Use the bathroom

  11. Hug/kiss my spouse

  12. Hug/kiss my kids

  13. Sit down

  14. Check Facebook

  15. Make a purchase

  16. Greet someone

  17. Eat a snack

  18. Write my daily task list

  19. Open the fridge

  20. Open the pantry

  21. Put on my seatbelt

  22. Get a message from Shelpful

๐ŸŒ Evening

  1. Unlock my front door

  2. Walk in the door after work

  3. Hang up my keys

  4. Put down my purse/ briefcase

  5. Put dinner dish in the dishwasher

  6. Start the dishwasher

  7. Sit down to eat

  8. Empty the dishwasher

  9. Hang up the dog leash

  10. Take out the garbage

  11. Play with my kids

  12. Help kids with homework

  13. Turn off the TV

  14. Take my makeup off

  15. Get undressed

  16. Take off my shoes

  17. Say my prayers at night

  18. Set my alarm

  19. Write in my journal

  20. Plug in my phone to charge

  21. Put my phone on airplane mode

  22. Put my phone on do not disturb

  23. Plug in my computer to charge

  24. Get a message from Shelpful

That's all, folks! Armed with these anchors, you're ready to tie new habits right into your daily flow. Remember, the beauty of the Tiny Habits method is in its simplicity and flexibility. Here at Shelpful, we're all about making life a bit brighter, one tiny habit at a time. Experiment with these anchors, mix and match them with habits that matter to you, and watch as your days start to transform.

And if you're ready to get started with a bit of extra support, why not try Shelpful for a spin? We're offering a 1-week free trial to new users. When signing up, share the specific "anchors" you want to tie habits to, and we'll help make those new habits stick. Head over to shelpful.com to start your trial today and take the first step towards a more organized, productive, and happy life. Let's do this together!


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